Our Cancellations Policy.
Please inform us within 24 hours if you need to break or reschedule your appointment. A 24 hour notice from you allows us to offer your time slot to another patient. Any unexplained, missed appointments will incur a $75 no-show fee.
We understand that life is unpredictable and things come up, but we would greatly appreciate your cooperation. —Thanks so much!
Ellacor, Ultherapy, CO2, Facetite Appointments.
Due to the significant amount of time blocked out and high demand for the above treatments with the Dr.Espinoza and Medical Providers, we must collect a 50% deposit at the time of scheduling. There are no refunds given. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, we ask you give us at least 48 hour notice, and your deposit will simply roll over to your re-scheduled slot. You may reschedule your appointment twice. If after three attempts you are still unable to keep your appointment, you will lose your deposit.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.