NAD+ Injection




Are you looking to improve your longevity and improve concentration, mental clarity, and cognitive function? NAD+ shots at La Chele in New Hope, Newtown, Upper Dublin, and Ellis Preserve locations are now available! La Chele is excited to bring you this breakthrough health and wellness injection. These injections are known as the “anti-aging” solution as they replenish your NAD+ levels to help repair the effects of aging and turn back the clock.  

What is NAD+?
NAD+ is a coenzyme responsible for over 500 enzymatic reactions including energy production, cellular repair, and metabolic functions. It is found in all living cells, naturally produced by the body, and declines with age. Its main role is transferring electrons from one molecule to another and producing ATP. It also influences the sirtuins, which are responsible for our circadian rhythm and cannot function correctly without NAD+. It can revitalize cells from the inside out, boosting our basic functions, cognitive ability, and mood stability. 

What is NAD+ Levels?
NAD+ is present within every cell of the body. NAD+ serves as an essential coenzyme present in every cell of the body, crucial for energy production, metabolism, and cellular repair processes. With aging, NAD+ levels naturally diminish, resulting in fatigue, cognitive decline, and a compromised immune system. Treating with NAD+ injections can increase cellular function and mitigate the effects of aging, fostering a more youthful state.  It is vital for generating cellular energy and upholding cellular well-being. The levels of this pivotal molecule are closely associated with one’s health status as they age.  Despite its fundamental role in cellular processes, the body possesses a finite reserve of NAD+ and it sadly decreases as you age.  

What does NAD+ do in simple terms?
NAD is essentially a spark plug for cells, helping them provide and produce energy needed for various functions and repair cellular damage. NAD+ also helps protect cells from stress and is responsible for alertness, concentration, memory, mental clarity and DNA repair. In simple terms, this means NAD+ can boost energy, mood, and overall health while also regulating brain activity.  It can slow or reverse aging by supporting healthy cell growth and boosting the brain. NAD+ saturates the brain with the enzymes it needs to function properly allowing it to slow or reverse aging by supporting healthy cell growth and repair.  

What are the benefits of subcutaneous injections over other types of injections?
NAD+ shots drive ATP (adenosine triphosphate production) to enhance mental clarity, foster cellular rejuvenation, and optimize brain function.  

  • Amplify focus, energy levels, and cellular vitality.
  • Enhance heart health, muscular strength, and endurance.
  • Expedite the repair and regeneration of muscles and tissues.

Compared to other injections, these have a faster absorption rate and unlike supplements, they can enter the bloodstream directly.
How often should I get NAD+ Shots?
Your provider will recommend starting with either weekly or biweekly shots.

What are the benefits of NAD+ Shots?
NAD+ shots allow the body to raise NAD levels to optimal function resulting in more energy to perform basic bodily needs and giving a better sense of function and wellbeing. Since injections allow the NAD+ to enter the bloodstream directly, the body is better able to absorb the molecules and further enhance the body than traditional supplements can. Benefits include improved mental clarity, enhanced metabolism, less brain fog, and a sense of more energy.

Are there any side effects?
Some mild side effects are: 

  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Problems with GI Tract
  • Nasal congestion
  • Chest pressure
  • Tingling or cramps

These effects are usually temporary and resolved on their own.
Should I do anything to prepare for a NAD+ Shot?
Patients are encouraged to drink plenty of water before treatment and avoid excess alcohol consumption, UV exposure, sleep deprivation, and an unhealthy diet for the best results. 

How many NAD+ Shots are required?
It will depend on your medical history, health goals, and desired results. Typically, most patients will use the therapy once-twice a week until directed otherwise. Our providers will determine which treatment plan will work best for you and your lifestyle.
What is the best place to inject NAD+ Shots?
Typical injection areas include the back of the arm, abdomen or flank into the tissue just below the skin.
Who is a candidate for NAD+ Shots?
Patients looking to restore neurological functions, improve cognitive function or “brain fog”, increase energy levels and reduce fatigue may benefit from increased NAD+. It is also excellent for those looking to restore the strength of their muscles, increase cellular repair, and reap anti-aging benefits.

Want to Learn More?
If you are interested in NAD+ Shots please contact us at 1 855 522 4353  to schedule a complimentary consultation. During your consultation, our medical provider will assess your skin to determine if you are a candidate for treatment, or schedule your consultation online below!

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