Pre-juvenation. See no line before its time.
We’re calling it ‘Pre-juvenation’ or Pre-Juve for short.
If you are a Millennial or Gen Z’r (you know who you are) listen up, because the future of Medical Aesthetics is all about you. Pre-juvenation is just that. Preventing aging skin and issues with skin and body that past generations experienced through perhaps diet and lifestyle. So, preventative rejuvenation of your skin before it actually needs it. We’ve learned so much about how to avoid skin problems that past generations have experienced. At La Chelé Medical Aesthetics, we are thinking about your young skin, wellness and body image needs. We are up-to-date with the latest techniques, technology, and products to give you the highest-quality of care to fulfill your self-image ‘Wish List”.
So what exactly are we talking about here?
Well, besides advising you (relentlessly) about protecting your skin from the sun and UV damage, we can encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle. Because beauty starts from the inside out. Other more immediate treatments we can provide like preventative botox, dermal filler, new skin moisturizing products and advice about a skincare regimen for prevention is what we do. We can even fix problems where mother nature has failed you. Like lip fillers, (non-surgical) eye and cheek augmentation and of course skin treatments for acne, rosacea and discoloration. From a lip flip to cheek contour, we offer mini dosages of neurotoxin (Botox) and dermal filler, and beyond to help you maintain your anti-aging regimen.
Our goal is to keep you looking ageless for decades and decades! As a leader in the Aesthetic Industry, we dedicate our lives to making your La Chele experience exceptional from the minute you walk in our doors. Our physician, aesthetic nurse practitioners, and aesthetic nurses are more than qualified to give you a customized treatment. We carry top brands of neurotoxins and dermal fillers, and offer dozens of various laser modalities whether its body sculpting, skin resurfacing, hair removal, or collagen boosting.
Let La Chelé take care of your Pre-juvenation skin regimen.
You’ll be glad you did.
Join us in our unfiltered, authentic approach to injectables and skincare. Each treatment is customized and designed just for you—whether you’re looking for a micro-treatment or a full glam overhaul. (Yes we can do that!)
The Medical Providers at La Chelé Medical Aesthetics will evaluate your individual needs and create a custom plan for your skin. Call our New Hope location at 215-862-6100, our Newtown location at 267-753-7676 or our Upper Dublin location at 215-515-1770 to book your complimentary consultation today!